Monday, December 28, 2015

Standing Fleet: 6, No Forks Given: 0

“Ferox jumping into LS,” reports PEWKITT.  One eyebrow is simultaneously raised on all members of Standing Fleet. ‘Ferox and Harbinger.” Two eyebrows. “Three Feroxes, a Harby, a Cyclone and a Myrmidon all jumping LS. Let’s go guys, get on the 9-G gate in LS.” Hulks, Ishtars and eyebrows are quickly docked up in G5ED station and everyone jumps into T1 battlecruisers and heads for the 8-T jump bridge to LS-JEP.

It appears that our adversaries have an aversion for bubbles and have come to shoot those deployed on the 9-G gate.  They are however not averse to sitting inside the bubbles while they shoot them. Our fleet lands in two’s and three’s and begins to shoot these fish in a bubble. Those few who try to burn out of the bubbles are scrammed. Camelionz is primaried in his Scythe and Ripperjack does an amazing job of keeping him up. One by one the enemy Battlecruisers fall to our coordinated fire whilst being unable to destroy even our Maulus Navy Issue cruiser. Several capsules are also despatched to Pod Heaven. We loot the field and return home.

Ignore the Stratios and related parties on the killboard, that kill belongs to a previous fight. We had similar numbers and ship types to them with one difference: we had logi. This goes to show what a difference logi makes in a fight.

Join Standing Fleet and get on Standing Fleet comms and be part of quick reaction fleets like this.

We also run BLOPs fleets when targets present themselves. We ran one just before this fight.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Cyno up in BWF, leads to carrier kill

Prometheus Ituin pinged for a fleet to drop on 3 Myrms camping the Oijanen gate in BWF late last night. And what better ship to kill Myrms than Bhaalgorns right? So Los Lecrosis set off to find the Myrms with 3 Bhaalgorns (1 with grid problems), 1 ANI, 2 Oneiros and 1 Crow sitting on the titan.

Los found no Myrms, so he set up a bubble 100 off the BWF station and waited to see what undocked. A Curse looked interested. Los warped to Oijanen and back with the Curse, tackled it and lit the cyno. We bridged and killed the Curse. Now things started to undock. Shortly a Hyperion and 2 Dominixes entered the fray with more stuff undocking, notably a Chimera which sent its fighters in.

The subcaps died but things were starting to get a bit hairy with the Bhaalgorns in half armor and the 2 Oneiros getting jammed by a Falcon. Prometheus had called to align to IOO and now ordered warp. Many tackle and cruiser to BS size subcaps began landing as we waited for everyone to get out. They jumped through ahead of us. When everyone was repped up and timers clear we jumped to them. Prometheus called to uncloak with Falcon primary. I did not uncloak in my Oneiros, perhaps I should have so they would agress. They all jumped back through, it seemed to me. We warped BND.

Now Prometheus took the decision to turn back and continue the fight. Perhaps he knew there was a Chimera at 0 on the other side. He called for reinforcements on the Titan and Los prepared to light his cyno. We all jumped back into IOO and there was the Chimera in a bubble. Cyno up and we started to bump the Chimera away from the gate. His friends abandoned him and he died.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Machariel comes to dinner in G5

North LAWN Standing Fleet received distinguished visitors this afternoon in the form of a Conquering Darkness fleet consisting of a Machariel, Proteus, Pilgrim and Muninn. Standing Fleet was a little thin since several TGRADs were out on a Cerberus fleet. 

Nevertheless Hector Centauri undocked his PvP Rattlesnake to invite them to dinner. The Machariel pilot graciously accepted his invitation, even stumbling into the Rattlesnake at high speed in his enthusiasm. Lord Aredhel, considerate as always, undocked and helped the Machariel gain his composure by bringing some cold Loki webs. Judon and Hector then offered Ogre II hors d’oeuvres accompanied by some exciting neutralizing aperitifs. 

The Machariel pilot had rarely seen such hospitality afforded him so quickly and veritably exploded in gratitude. His Pilgrim servant was equally served and responded in the same manner. The Proteus and Muninn suddenly remembered a previous engagement and left rather briskly. Everyone looks forward to their next visit with anticipation.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Burn Delve continues

4XO-8B, FM-JK5, 5 April 2015

A coalition Dominix fleet under FC pie dude rampaged unopposed through Delve tonight laying waste to various enemy infrastructure hubs and starbases. Operations were greatly assisted by various blue fleets including a large dreadnought contingent as can be seen from these photographs from the front.

Yeah, I guess my ship is in there somewhere...

Excuse me big boy, coming through, ouch, excuse me, WATCH THE PAINTWORK WITH THOSE LAZERS!

Burn baby.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Coalition Thanatos pilot Disciplined by Doomsday

ZXB-VC, 29 March 2015

An example of harsh measures used to discipline pilots during wartime happened tonight when a coalition Thanatos pilot made an unauthorized jump to a cyno during an operation.

Once the operation ended and the fleet jumped into ZXB, the Thanatos class carrier was bubbled and doomsdayed by an Erebus class Titan.

Fortunately for the Thanatos pilot his ship barely survived the ordeal in structure and he was repped up and allowed to leave with only his pride damaged.

Darkness Legions not KEE-N to fight

KEE-N6, 29 March 2015

Coalition Ishtars were scrambled earlier tonight to kill Darkness capitals bubbled in an undisclosed location. Unfortunately the fleet under FC Qicia arrived too late in KEE. There followed some hectic fleet warps as the opposing fleets manoeuvred for position before battle was joined.

The fight was short and bloody, with coalition Ishtars burning through enemy logistics ships, helped in part by a devastating void bombing run by contract allies Confederation of xXPizzaXx. The Darkness fleet fled but not before a command ship was pointed and destroyed.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

ZXB-VC Station Hellcamped

ZXB-VC, 26 March 2015

The continuous camping of the enemy staging station in ZXB which began yesterday continued today.

In the short time that your reporter was there several ships were destroyed whilst trying to dock or escape through the bubbles on station, including two Tengu class strategic cruisers.

Moral is high amongst coalition pilots in spite of the boredom of facing an enemy hiding in station and unwilling to fight even when he outnumbers coalition forces by a large margin.

A spokesman for Fleet Command issued a reminder to all pilots never to warp to wing boosters in wing command position in the fleet. Always warp to the FC or the anchor as posted in the MOTD or ask for a warp in.

Monday, March 16, 2015

NC Ravens, Ishtars mauled in 4-EP12 in uneven fight

4-EP12, 16 March 2015

A coalition Ishtar fleet of about 100 led by Eminza Kaiderius travelled from TEG to 4-EP tonight all the while dogged by Kadeshi interceptors. On arrival in 4-EP a hostile SBU was destroyed while the fleet waited for the enemy to form up, which they eventually did.

The Ravens with carrier support were soon joined by Ishtars outnumbering the coalition 142 to 115. Nevertheless FC continued to broadcast Ravens and Ishtars and with focus and discipline the fleet welcomed each one to Fountain.

Enemy stealth bombers then added to the uneven fight and destroyed drones and fast tackle (including your embedded reporter). Many logistics ships were lost at this point when they could no longer rep each other due to broadcast window being swamped by requests for shields. (Reminder to coalition pilots: never broadcast for reps after being bombed.)

FC abandoned and redeployed drones and the fight continued for some time. But with enemy stealth bombers active as well as facing superior numbers and with logistics no longer holding reps, FC aligned the fleet out and extracted. FC gallantly ordered gf's to be exchanged in local.

Result: 4.9 bill lost, 6.3 bill killed.

Zkillboard :

Coalition Ishtars clash with NC TFI's, BL Svipul gang

7BX-6F, 16 March 2015

A coalition Ishtar fleet led by Calwell returned to 7BX tonight and was hot-dropped by Northern Coalition Tempest Fleet Issues with Archon support.

FC had fleet drop sentries and anchor up. Two expensive Machariels were quickly taken down.


One of the Archons was taken to 70% armor but stabilized. 

FC warped the fleet to the SBU and began to grind it down. The TFI fleet was repeatedly bubbled by our skilled interdictor pilots but eventually aligned to the SBU. FC warped the fleet to gate and the enemy followed. Fleet escaped but was pursued by a Balck Legoin fleet of T3 Destroyers, Sabres, and Interceptors.

Now began a fighting retreat on the way to the jump bridge in HMF-9D with the pursued picking off enemy Sabres while aligning out and the pursuers picking off coalition ships slow to jump and align. Having lost all 3 flights of drones, fleet jumped to XUW and then back to TEG with minimal losses.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Coalition Domis kick BL Ishtar fleet out of TEG

TEG-SD, 15 March 2015

After destroying 2 enemy SBU's in 7BX-6F and 6VDT-H, coalition pilots quickly reformed in TEG. FC Calwell had the fleet reship into Dominixes as a Black Legion fleet of Ishtars arrived in off station. In what is becoming a familiar scenario, coalition Domis undocked, dropped sentries and chewed through the enemy as they tried to kite out of range.

Many brave interdictor pilots sacrificed themselves once again to bubble the enemy and prevent their escape. Those who did escape went to 87XQ-0 and the fleet followed and caught more in that system. Fleet then returned to TEG and looted the field of a large number of sentry drones that will come in handy in the next few weeks.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dominix pilots wanted

The Dominix class battleship has been around for a long time. But this is not your grandfather's Dominix. All components from propulsion systems to sensors to weapons platforms have been completely upgraded to enable the Dominix to survive and thrive in today's most unforgiving combat environments.  Beneath that familiar exterieur beats a 1.74 megaton Swiss watch.

The Dominix is the most drone-centered T1 sub capital ship available. It can carry up to 3 flights of highly-bonused Heavy Attack Drones or Heavy Sentry Drones of which it can field up to 5 at a time. It is only rivaled by the Ishtar class T2 cruiser, carrier class vessels, and of course the T2 Dominix version, the Sin.

The Dominix can also fit hybrid weapons but most Alliance Navies prefer the versatility that fitting  heavy energy neutralizers and drone range augmentation modules gives them.

The Dominix can not only dish out the punishment, it can also take it. Seven armor tanking hardpoints are available which means the Dominix can be fitted with a formidable tank. Just the thing when you are primaried by that fleet of T3 strategic cruisers.

The Gallente Dominix class battleship. It's not your grandfather's Dominix.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kadeshi Harpies use coalition JB to escape

TEG-SD, 12 March 2015

Coalition Ishtars were scrambled earlier today to intercept a Kadeshi Harpy fleet moving up the Fountain Core pipe. Pilots barely had time to strap in and fire up their engines before FC Hobojoe Dimaloun undocked the fleet to give chase.

Fleet interceptors burned ahead to get intel on the fast-moving Harpies. They reported the enemy fleet in the Minotaur pocket, a dead end. Coalition forces set up bubbles and deployed drones on the 57-KJB gate in A-HZYL and waited. The enemy Harpies arrived 50 km off the gate on the other side and also bubbled. After 10 minutes of the Mexican stand-off FC Hobojoe ordered interdictors and fast tackle in to catch what they could and the fleet then followed.

Our brave interdictor pilots sacrificed themselves willingly to bubble the enemy allowing coalition Ishtars to destroy 7 Harpies, 2 Scythes and the enemy FC’s Svipul, whereupon the enemy fleet fled deeper into the Minotaur pocket.

The Harpies were next located in the dead-end system of R-BGSU. There was no escape for them. The fleet burned to V6-NY1 but scouts reported that the enemy was no longer present in R-B or OL3-78. At first it was thought that the enemy had exited via a wormhole, but Arkale Dark had been spotted at the jump bridge in 9DQW-W and now the Harpy fleet was reported in J-R. The enemy had escaped via Fatal Ascension’s password-protected 9DQ jump bridge. The security of the jump bridge had obviously been compromised.

FC ordered fleet to follow but the Harpies were long gone. A significant number of pilots could not take the bridge without incurring incapacitating jump fatigue and had been left behind in Minotaur. All that was left for FC was to rendez-vous with them at Z30S-A. The coalition leaves no man behind. This was done and fleet then returned to base.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hunt for Rokh Oktober

'Rokh just jumped into A-1...hello anyone around?'  With these words of Challu began the Hunt for Rokh Oktober.

One by one Blasties replied on comms. TY was making a sandwich or something. Challu got his Sabre blown up trying to tackle the Rokh alone in YZ. 'At least we know he has blasters.'

Challu followed the Rokh into A-H on his alt in a bomber with only a point. Meanwhile several cruisers tried to catch up. Challu pointed the Rokh but it MJD'ed off and warped.

With help one jump out Challu decided to go for him again in YZS5 to slow him down at least, and I believe Almos also caught up and scrammed him. He aggressed and then the rest of us arrived and Rokh Oktober was sunk.

Poster by Bryan K Ward

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Black Legion brings War to TEG doorstep

TEG-SD, 10 March 2015

Pings went out for Dominix pilots late tonight as a 90-man Black Legion fleet of Augoror Navy Issues with Oneiros logistics support approached TEG staging system. The situation looked grim for the coalition after 15 minutes as LAWN FC Li Blackhawk reported only 26 Dominixes were assembled. Logistics and boosting ships were also in short supply despite some hectic bat phoning and corp pinging.

The enemy fleet led by Elo Knight landed on TEG undock. ‘Alright,’ announced FC, ‘we might just have enough. We’ll see how it goes. Everyone undock.’  With these inspiring words ringing in their ears, our fearless Dominix pilots emerged into the Storm of Augorors.

Station was bubbled. FC ordered Bouncer sentries deployed and broadcasted targets. As well as following these targets our skilled pilots were ordered to distribute tracking disruption and energy neutralizers to all enemy ships which they did very effectively.

However, enemy ships did not go down easily, many receiving timely repairs from their logistics wing. FC was obliged to switch quickly between targets in order to take them down. However this process was hindered by long lock times for the enemy cruisers. The enemy kited out, FC ordered optimal range scripts for the TD’s.

Now enemy Stealth bombers made their appearance and destroyed a large part of the fleet’s drones. FC ordered the fleet to deagress and approach station. Those without Bouncers docked up to resupply and undocked. Then as the enemy fleet reapproached, the fight began again. FC ordered tracking scripts for the omnidirectional links. Now as the targets were being broadcasted earlier, the fleet began to chew through the enemy before they could react. One after another the enemy fell. And soon they were warping out in disarray, leaving TEG undock strewn with enemy wrecks. GF’s were exchanged and FC praised his valiant pilots for their skill and discipline in a hard fight.

Once again coalition Dominix class battleships stand undefeated.

TGRADS killboard:


Friday, February 27, 2015

Darkness Absolutions attack TEG, suffer heavy losses

TEG-SD, 27 February 2015

Coalition intelligence services tonight warned of a large Darkness Absolution fleet forming in Y-2. Fleet Command ordered all Dominix pilots to prepare their ships for a response. The Darkness fleet foolishly made its way to TEG and when it landed on station FC Outlaw46 undocked the Domis. Bouncer Sentry drones were immediately dropped and targets were broadcasted.

The enemy fleet had Oneiros support for its heavily tanked Command Ships. Nevertheless, FC carefully switched between logistics and command ships and from targets receiving reps to new targets, and so the Domis began to chew through the enemy fleet. When the enemy pulled range to mitigate damage, FC warped the Domis to a perch above station and back down on top of the enemy who then fled.

The last enemy pilot to leave was a bit slow, but she arrived at her home station before the others.

The fleet then scooped all drones, looted the field in front of the station and docked up. Not a single Dominix or logistics ship was lost (a single pod making up most of the loss on the coalition side).

Once again the coalition Dominix, in the firm hands of our brave pilots, Holds the Line in Fountain against the Forces of Darkness.

Zkillboard Battle Report:

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Coalition Ishtars attack NC Supercarrier escort

Pout, 22 February 2015

FC Pittsburgh2989 led a 118-man Ishtar fleet on what was to be a possibly-contested tower kill today. However FC offered to take the fleet to intercept an NC Supercarrier and its escort reported to be leaving Sakht.

The coalition fleet burned (in time dilation) and caught up with the Wyvern in Pout. FC had the fleet launch sentries and anchor up at range.  The enemy escort fleet of artillery Lokis arrived with several other friendly fleets, vastly outnumbering the coalition Ishtars.

The Wyvern was X-Type fit...

... and could not be taken down with such a powerful escort. FC concentrated therefore on other targets of which there were plenty to choose from. A boosting Tengu was one of the first casualties...

...followed by several Oneiros. At this point enemy Lokis warped in on the fleet's coordinates and the FC and his 2nd were primaried and destroyed. The FC had aligned the fleet out in advance so rest of the fleet managed to warp out and escape, except our beloved director Zorts.

After many perilous jumps and narrow escapes through low-sec, Sigmaknight extracted the fleet back to TEG to fight another day.

Zkillboard Battle report:

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Challu Ni opens relations with Circadian Seekers

G-UTHL, 21 February 2015

Challu Ni's preparations (buying and fitting a Cerberus) to welcome the Circadian Seekers to Fountain drew a small gang of BLASTers to accompany him (and witness his demise).  The gang eventually included a high percentage of EWAR and logistics.

As Challu attacked from range 2 of the 4 Seekers warped off and warped back on top of his position. Challu had to warp out several times in structure and the Seekers would warp after him. When he jumped gate the Seekers would camp the gate waiting for him to return. When the Seekers hit structure they would warp off. It was only when X Saint arrived with a Naga that several Seekers were destroyed. The Seekers did not smack talk in local.

The Tower of Isengard was attacked but sustained no damage and no Drifter Battleship appeared. The experiment had to be cut short as PVP was happening in LIWW. To be continued...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Another day another POS kill, X Saint tackles Caracal NI

ZXB, 19 February 2015

Coalition Ishtars led by Eminza Kaiderius destroyed another SBU and small POS in ZXB tonight without resistance.

And Ace Interceptor Pilot X Saint tackled a Caracal Navy Issue and held it even in structure until fleet members arrived to help take it down.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Zorts gets top damage on POS kill, NC rage forms

ZXB, 18 February 2015

A small coalition Ishtar fleet led by Pittsburgh2989 yesterday killed an enemy SBU and small POS in ZXB.

Top damage was done by none other than our own beloved BLAST director Zorts leading by example and inspiring others to follow. Reports soon came in that an NC/Darkness Tengu fleet was rage forming to amend this obvious slight on their honour. Unfortunately this took some time as no directors of the enemy corporations could be immediately located as they were all in Hek and Rens on official business trips.
Nevertheless the coalition fleet shot POS modules and exchanged educative images as they waited patiently for the enemy to bestir themselves to action.

The enemy finally arrived in a large Tengu fleet at range but coalition scouts had already discovered that they had also brought a significant stealth bomber contingent to make up for their lack of skill.

After taking a few long-range pot shots at the more adventurous of the enemy, the coalition fleet scooped sentry drones, jumped into Y-2, redeployed drones and anchored on the FC at range and waited. The enemy refused to follow and convoed the FC that they wished to fight in ZXB. FC informed them that this would not be possible because of their cowardly bombers.

After waiting a few more minutes, FC had fleet scoop their drones from the gate by squads so that they would be amply protected should the enemy fleet try to take dishonourable advantage by jumping in. The fleet then returned to base and the frustrated enemy got nothing except jump fatigue.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

NA Nidhoggur tries to close WH in LIWW, dies

LIWW, 17 February 2015

LIWW Standing Fleet defense force got busy tonight when X Saint reported that an Northern Associates Dominix was repeatedly trying to close a WH in system. Q Sertorius and alts even got a few shots off on one of his attempts. Q called for webs and 2 Hyenas joined the small camp gathering on the WH but without much hope that the Dominix pilot would be stupid enough to try again. However...

Shortly after a suicide webber came in system and X Saint hunted him down and killed him.

Q remarked that it wouldn't surprise him if they brought in a carrier. Someone really wanted that WH closed. Cloaky eyes on the WH (Almos?) then announced that something big just came through because the WH had shrunk. 'NIDHOGGUR!!!!'

The carrier was immediately tackled and webbed by X Saint and Almos and Ion warped in another Hyena to help.  And Q aligned his 3 dreads from the station... The carrier launched Geckos and began chewing through tackle while also neuting. Q announced he was about to land... The carrier was still webbed when Q landed and the 3 dreads went to work...

Get in Standing Fleet and on Fleet comms never know when a Nidhoggur is going to get tackled...  :shock:

Poster by Bryan K Ward 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tengu Showdown at Y-2 Coral

Y-2ANO, 15 February 2015

A large coalition Tengu fleet led by Esildra clashed with an NC/Darkness Tengu fleet in Y-2 today. The FC positioned the coalition fleet on a friendly POS with coalition Archons at hand. The enemy fleet soon attacked.

In such an evenly-matched fight it was no surprise to see the logistics ships primaried since the winner of the race to kill the enemy logistics would probably win the battle. Scythes and scimitars on both sides snapped, crackled and popped like a fireworks display from Hell. FC called one target after another all the while asking that crucial question: 'Are we losing any Tengus yet?' The answer was always 'No...only logi'.  The enemy FC no doubt was asking the same question and the reply he was getting was probably 'No but we soon will be...'  Losses mounted fairly equally on both sides, reflecting the balanced nature of the contest.

Coalition scouts now reported a second 300-man enemy fleet approaching to save the day for NC. FC Esildra extracted the coalition fleet before they arrived to stain the battlefield with their dishonourable numbers.

Battle report (incomplete):


Notable enemy loss - Orthrus:

Notable coalition loss - Nidhoggur (in triage):

Darkness Invasion hits Dominix Wall - Round II

ZXB, 15 February 2015

Reports came in that Darkness was attacking the newly dropped coalition SBUs in ZXB using Archons and Tengus. In a repeat of the previous scenario earlier in the day Dominixes proved their superiority to Ishtars.

FC Alterari Phoenix rallied pilots who stayed in Y-2 station and repeatedly bridged new pilots in from TEG. FC took the fleet in but the enemy was now absent. Enemy SBUs were destroyed and LAWN SBUs re-installed. FC positioned sentries in a wide arc on the gate and waited for the enemy Tengu/Archon fleet to arrive. Battle was joined. FC kited the fleet but it soon became apparent that the fleet could not keep range from the Tengus while remaining in optimal range of the sentries. Coalition Ishtars ran out of cap one by one and were picked off by fighter-assisted Tengus at close range. Coalition logistics pilots were also unable to stay in repair range of the fleet as it became spread out.

The coalition fleet returned to staging in TEG and reshipped to Dominixes. As soon as the fleet bridged to Y-2 the enemy Archon/Tengu fleet fled. One coalition SBU was repaired and the fleet returned to TEG.

Battle report (both coalition fleets appear on the report although the Dominix fleet did not get a fight):

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Darkness Invasion hits Dominix Wall

ZXB, 14 February 2015

Pings went out for maximum pilots this afternoon as reports came in of a large Darkness Legion fleet attacking a coalition POS in Y-2. FC Alterari Phoenix asked for Dominix battlecruisers but a significant number of pilots did not have this ship type. An Ishtar fleet therefore of 167 pilots was bridged by titan into the Jaws of the Beast.

Although our pilots spread out before dropping sentries, enemy Legions were able to close quickly on their coordinates to reduce tracking and so mitigate damage. Sentries were abandoned and redeployed as range became an issue. After losing many brave logistics pilots, FC warped the fleet to station to regroup. The enemy followed. Without logistics and facing superior numbers FC wisely docked the fleet.

The fleet returned to staging in TEG to reship to Dominixes. More pilots joined in the fight and it was a 191- man Dominix fleet that took the Express Elevator to Hell. 'Going down!'

Battle was joined in Y-2 but this time Darkness could not long face the Wrath of the Phoenix and fled.

FC then took the fleet to the Edge of Darkness and proceeded to degrade several station assets.

Next two enemy Sovereignty Blockade Units in ZXB were vaporized and replaced with LAWN SBUs. An enemy bomber fleet which tried to interfere paid the Iron Price thanks to the skill of coalition Interdictor pilots.

Finally the fleet landed on the now infamous Russian 'Death Star' POS in 5-C with intent to attack the Super Capital Ship Assembly Array with an Aeon in build....

...only to find that the enemy had unanchored the SCSAA themselves, thus aborting the Aeon build.  The fleet therefore, having won without fighting, returned home with Great Glory and minimal losses.

Zkillboard links:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Coalition Ishtars maul NC Raven fleet with carrier support

Fobiner, 12 February 2015

A coalition Ishtar fleet led by Li Blackhawk attacked an NC POS in Fobiner today. Several NC carriers and support ships were active in the POS. The coalition fleet shot the POS guns for several minutes before an enemy Raven fleet with a large Scimitar contingent landed.

The FC warped the 134-man fleet out and back to reposition, dropped Curators and kited the fleet off. Emboldened by the Raven/Scimitar support, 2 Nidhoggurs left the safety of the POS shields and were destroyed along with several Ravens and Scimitars. The FC warped the fleet out and back again (abandoning drones) to reposition. The fight would have gone on in this way but for 2 enemy Scorpions who smart bombed coalition drones which were grouped up. The FC tried to destroy them but they were kept alive by enemy logistics. Those Ishtars that had drones remaining redeployed them but it was not enough. The coalition fleet was losing Ishtars steadily so the FC chose to extract the fleet to fight another day.

Battle reports:  (incomplete)

Poster by Bryan K Ward

Coalition Domis attack The Tower of Doom

ZXB-VC, 12 February 2015

A coalition Dominix fleet with Oneiros and Guardian support led by Alterari Phoenix attacked a Darkness jump bridge POS in ZXB last night. The Sacred Templars POS was set up by someone who knew what he was doing. Coalition logistics pilots could not blink their eyes for fear of losing a ship. Dominixes and Apocalypses and T3s had sufficient buffer tank to receive repairs with plenty of time to spare but logistics cruisers who did not broadcast early were destroyed before they could be repaired.

Many logistics cruisers were saved only in structure.

The fleet did accomplish its mission however and coalition fast tackle guarding the gates meanwhile killed a Tornado.

While extracting the fleet was bombed on a gate but the FC had the fleet jump and a bomber was destroyed.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Coalition Ishtars give NC capitals and supers a headache

YQX-7U, 09 February 2015

A coalition Ishtar fleet led by Esildra surprised two NC super carriers on gate in YQX Monday and tackled them.  The FC ordered the fleet to keep bumping the Aeon primary back into the bubbles. The besieged Aeons were quickly joined by more supers with carrier support. The FC switched to the Archons and alternated as each in turn caught reps. Coalition Interdictor pilots had their work cut out deploying bubble after bubble. The two Archons finally went down.

At this point 3 or more Avatars slowly uncloaked from their cyno bridge and suddenly everything became very small. Sentry drones were abandoned and others deployed to improve range. The FC ordered one of the Aeons to be bumped out of repair range as he was taken into 70% armor. This went on for a long time. Up until this point coalition logistics pilots were keeping up with incoming damage. But now a large fleet of enemy Tempest Fleet Issues appeared to extricate the capital fleet from its embarrassing predicament.

(Here the transmission ends as our embedded reporter became a casualty).

Battle report:

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Coaltion Ishtars wreck Darkness Legions with carrier support

ZXB-VC, 08 February 2015

A coalition Ishtar fleet led by Eminza Kaiderius and Alterari Phoenix yesterday wrecked a Darkness Legion fleet which had formed up to destroy them in ZXB-VC.

The 129-man coalition fleet was on a routine degrade and destroy mission in enemy held territory in Delve. For 2 hours the fleet roamed through this now desolate wasteland until in HM- they bumped into Mr SnowDraob in his Megathron who should have been paying more attention to his intel channel.

Shortly thereafter reports started coming in of a large enemy force approaching the coalition fleet. In ZXB the enemy fleet of Legions with Oneiros and Archon (2) and Nyx support landed on grid at range but boldly warped to zero. FC Kaiderius ordered deployment of state of the art Bouncer sentries and kited the fleet away as primary targets were broadcasted. Comms became crowded as Interdictors and Heavy Interdictors were also directed to tackle the capitals and pings went out to call in more assets.

The coalition fleet then proceeded to chew through the Darkness fleet with methodical discipline while coalition logistics pilots prevented the enemy from doing the same. The result was 45 enemy ships killed including both Archons for the loss of only 6 coalition ships. Battle report:

The coalition fleet then looted the field before extracting with no further incident. A spokesperson for the coalition told reporters that although successful operations of this kind are winning the war we should not become complacent. The coalition needs all able-bodied pilots to report to the staging system in TEG when fleets are called to ensure the continued success of the campaign.

Fraps by Gee:

Artwork by Bryan K Ward (click image)